First kids of 2025!

Our yearling first freshener, Poppy, had twin boys on St. Patty's day. In honor of that occasion, we gave them Irish names. We had hoped this would be a big girl year, but it certainly did not start out that way! We still have four more does who will kid in the next month or so, so I am not worried. That said, Patrick and Finnegan will likely be for sale when they are weaned in a couple of months. I have carefully selected for home dairy genetics over the past 20 years. These guys have the best of those genetics in them. They have the potential to be great herd sires someday. Or, they might make a nice pair of pet wethers.
I have started my first round of seeds for the garden and will start more this week. They are still indoors for now. Early next week I plan to put chicken eggs in my two 24 egg incubators. It worked really well last year. I noticed that laying breed pullets are running nearly $6.00 a chick at the local farm stores, so I hope my incubation is successful this year. When I buy chicks I buy them straight run, which is a little cheaper, but still much more expensive than hatching my own.