NOW there are four, I hope!
On Friday May 13, 2017 our order of 20 Carniolan queens from Oliveraz Apiaries arrived from Hawaii. Unfortunately, of the 20, three were...
Opening the overwintered Hive
Photo credit goes to Kelly Bolthouse since my kids were not available the day of our April field day on April 22, 2017. Here is a...
And then there was one...
Here is the last hive standing. The one that was alive by the greenhouse did not survive the last cold snap we experienced. We had...
The Power of Windbreaks
Yesterday we had 50 mile per hour sustained winds with gusts up to 60 mph. Those are the strongest winds we have had in the 13 years we...
But then again...
Well, today was really nice and warm, though not particularly sunny. I had decided to re-fill sugar water and make sure everyone had...
The Bees are Alive!
If you live in Michigan you are aware that we are in the middle of an unusually mild weather pattern which will last for a few more days....
The hives in January
On Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 it was sunny and a record 61 degrees. This was a good test to see what hives were alive and which ones were...
Snow, snow, snow!
I don't mind snow, in fact I rather look forward to it. However, this is a LOT and very early for so much! I am not worried about the...
Sugar is sweet...and cheap, it appears
The commercial beekeeper who had put 30 hives next to mine (and I found 45 more just a mile and a half away, by the way the bee flies),...
Update on the hives
We have been having very mild, unseasonably warm weather. This is nice for us, and I am enjoying it, but it has me a bit worried about...